Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pregnancy Survey

By Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) at 2:49 PM 0 commented
To start off (since this IS about this pregnancy as well) I'll post a little Pregnancy Survey

Pregnancy Survey
Created by audw2004 and taken 22922 times on Bzoink
About You
Name?: Jennifer
Age?: 25
Height?: 5'3"
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 112
About The Father
Name?: John
Age?: 22
Height?: 6'2"
Are you still together?: of course.
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: no it is not.
When did you find out you were pregnant?: November 23, 2009
Was it planned?: Pretty much.
What was your first reaction?: Excited.
Who was with you when you found out?: Just myself. I called hubby to let him know.
Who was the first person you told?: The hubby then my friend Andria
How did your parents react?: both excited for another addition
How far along are you?: 5 mths
What was your first symptom?: SICKNESS. horrible, horrible sickness
What is your due date?: Aug 2010
Do you know the sex of the baby?: Not yet.
If so, what is it?: 
Have you picked out names?: Yes we have narrowed it down pretty much. I think we're set on them, but who knows with us. lol
If so, what are they?: BOY-Gabriel John // GIRL-Kendall Rose
How much weight have you gained?: Well I lost 5lbs and so far I've gained it back plus 7lbs. So I'm 118 right now.
Do you have stretch marks?: not from this baby, lol
Have you felt the baby move?: yep, all the time!
Have you heard the heartbeat?: 2 different times now.
About the birth
Will you keep the baby?: Yes.
Home or hospital birth?: Birthing Center
Natural or medicated birth?: alllllll natural
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: Just my hubby.
Will you breastfeed?: yep
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: hell no.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: I'm sure
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: lol, probably "omg" but that wont be really directed TO the baby but just said in my overwelming love for him.
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: I'm not too sure yet.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Excited. Been there done that. I know every birth is different but I wasn't scared the first time and I'm not this time either.
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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My first post

By Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) at 2:47 PM 0 commented
Wow, so here we go, my first post here at Double Duty Mommy! How scary but liberating at the same time.