Migraines have really taken the front seat to my life, especially this past year. They affect what I do and when I do it and I hate that. I don't like something having control over my life like that.
When I have a migraine I feel so sick to my stomach, I want to be in a dark room and I definitely do not want to be bothered. But try telling that to a 16 month old, yeah... it doesn't work too well.
When I have a migraine I feel so sick to my stomach, I want to be in a dark room and I definitely do not want to be bothered. But try telling that to a 16 month old, yeah... it doesn't work too well.
Like I said, I thought I just had really bad headaches but on the Excedrin Migraine site you can compare the difference between different types of headaches and it can help you understand which type of headache you might be suffering with.
What exactly is a Migraine? Well migraine headaches are a neurological disorder characterized by imbalances in brain chemistry.
Although the exact cause of migraine headaches isn’t completely understood, medical researchers believe that migraine headaches are caused by altered blood flow and abnormal levels of naturally produced substances in the brain. When blood flow is decreased, certain arteries dilate and cause pain producing chemicals to be released. Additionally, the dilation causes an increase in the natural substance levels. This makes the blood vessels lining the brain swell and creates pressure on nearby nerves. These nerves send pain signals to the body that are typically felt around the eye or temple region and can extend to the face, sinus, jaw, or neck.Of course we all know that migraines are a more severe pain, more of a throbbing as apposed to a distracting, dull pain. But did you know that with a migraine you can feel the pain on only one side of you head, instead of both sides? If the pain is only on one side of your head it is not a tension headache.
To deal with my migraines I really do try to keep the blinds closed and ask the girls to keep the noise down but what really helps is taking Excedrin Migraine. In about 15-30 minutes the pain is usually gone and I can move on with my life.
Excedrin sent me a gift basket of goodies to help me relax. I received a list of amazing relaxation products like a therapeutic neck wrap that can be heated or frozen, a soothing gel eye mask, foot massager, and a back massager. All have contributed to my migraines not interrupting my life lately.
To prevent my migraines I've been trying to keep a migraine diary. It is used by doctors to track potential triggers and patterns related to your migraine. I use it to help track food I eat when migraines occur, duration of the migraine, type of pain I experience, amount of sleep I get, etc. And I've been trying to drink a lot more water since it's known to prevent the frequency of migraine incidents.
I was surprised to hear that things like diet, weather, and odor could all cause a migraine or worsen your migraines. I thought it was just stress and sleep. So to help your migraines you might try to avoid skipping meals, lessen your intake of food preservatives (e.g., nitrates, MSG), also becoming overtired or exercising in the heat can cause a migraine. There is a whole list you can check out here.
Do you suffer from migraines? I'd like to know how you deal with them. Let's start a discussion to help other suffers!
(If you do not want to enter the giveaway you can still leave a comment with helpful tips)
(If you do not want to enter the giveaway you can still leave a comment with helpful tips)
Here's some quick fun facts though!
- The average migraine lasts for 12 hours for those who don’t take any medication
- Nearly two-thirds (61%) of adult migraine sufferers would willingly wait in a long line rather than suffer from migraine pain
- A third (33%) would give up five percent of their annual salary
- Other workers would toss their vacation days (26%) or weekends (17%)
- And more than half (52%) would rather visit in-laws
- More than three-quarters (87%) of working Americans would give up something for an entire year to never have to go through the pain of a migraine ever again
- Eight in ten (83%) migraine sufferers confess that when they have a migraine, their family suffers as much as they do because of the impact it has on their ability to go about their regular routine
If you'd like to connect with other migraine suffers and see if Excedrin Migraine is right for you, check out their Facebook page.
Guess what? Excedrin wants to help THREE of my readers relax by giving them an Excedrin® Migraine Relaxation Basket!!
- Full-value coupon for any one Excedrin Migraine product (max value $13.99)
- A therapeutic neck wrap that can be heated or frozen
- Swarovski Crystal Ear Buds to listen to relaxing music
- A soothing gel eye mask
- $15 iTunes gift card to purchase relaxing tunes
- $50 American Express gift card for additional stress-free needs
- Foot massager
- Back massager
This is a sponsored post. Migraine relief and relaxation kit were provided by Novartis Consumer Healthcare, the makers of Excedrin® Migraine; my journey for a migraine free experience is my own.
64 commented:
I don't get migraines often, but in the past, I would get them in clusters, where I had them for a few days on and off. Thankfully I don't get them that much anymore, maybe because I've improved my eating habits and water intake. One thing that seemed to trigger them for me was the smell of colognes or perfumes.
Hope you find relief and that the migraines subside for you! Nothing worse than having little ones to look after and keep up with but wanting for everything to be dark and quiet.
I have transformal migraines and honestly, the only thing that helps is my prescription medication once they really get going. I actually use Excedrin Migraine too, but it only works for me if I take it as soon as I start to feel one coming on!
I get tension headaches all the time. It's awful. Amanda.nethero@hotmail.com
As soon as I get the weird vision, I take several baby aspirins and then 2 Advil Liquid Gels 10-15 minutes later! That usually kicks it fairly quick. I have not had a severe migraine in 10 years by catching it early and using taking the aspirin and Advil. I did reduce my carbs and sugar intake several years ago and did not have a single migraine for two years! Good luck, hope you find something that works for you!
I am an occasional suffer - it seems wine is sometimes the culprit. I usually lay down in a dark room and sleep it off.
I get them around that time of the month. Usually sleep helps big time, but I recently tried Excedrin Migraine for the first time after a night of 3hrs sleep (which causes headaches for me) and it worked wonderfully!
When I get a migraine, I take Excedrin and sleep it off.
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
I get migraines wayyy too often, like at least once a week, and I have yet to find a medicine to help. It sucks. I normally lay in a dark, cool, quiet room and that helps a bit.
Ever since I got pregnant I've gotten horrible migraines. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do right now but when I wasn't pregnant I always took 2 excederin and they disappeared!
i suffer about once a month and just sleep in the dark! scg00387 at yahoo dot ocm
I don't get migraines TOO often, maybe once a month. But I'll usually take excedrin and try to sleep in the dark.
I don't get them thank goodness but my husband does at least once a week and nothing really helps but time
My husband is the migraine sufferer in our house. He usually takes a migraine pill when he feels one setting in, and tries to avoide overly processed foods since those seem to be a trigger.
I get them about once or twice a week, lights out and shhhhhhh
I suffer from them for years, aspirins don't always work and I have to stay away from sound and light to lessen the pain.
I am a daily headache sufferer and I also get migraines two to three times a week. Along with those migraines comes vomiting, major PAIN, nausea, and loss of all momentum. I usually spend the entire day (or the duration of the migraine) in bed. I have suffered from migraines for years. I also have Hydrocephelus (sp), which is enlargement of both ventricles in my brain. I have been under the care of a neurologist for years, also. Unfortunately for me, I cannot take Excedrin because it destroys my stomach so I take prescription medications. However, I would really like to WIN this very awesome basket because it holds a lot of great prizes that assist in helping make my migraines bareable. I really hope I WIN! Thank You very much for this awesome giveaway!
I don't get migraines but my mom does at least once a week so I thought it would be nice to win for her
Brooke Schwaderer
anjellfire at gmail dot com
I have found my sinuses can be a trigger. I start with a sinus headache and then it turns into a full blown terrible migraine. With two little ones at home and being a stay at home mom, this makes things tough. Sleep (laying down to rest as much as possible) and sometimes a good dose of tylenol or ibuprofen can help me get to at least functioning. Right now I can't take excedrin migraine as I am nursing, but that won't go forever. I have loved excedrin migraine in the past to help me kick migraines.
To prevent, at times I try to make sure kick the sinus issue asap so it doesn't get worse.
I used to have a migraine just about daily. Now I have triggers: smoke, PMS, lack of sleep.
Thankfully, I no longer need daily medication. and I'm REALLY thankful to excedrin! I should own stock in that brand. :)
Great giveaway thanks!
I do get them a few times a year, either from stress and tension or I think when a change of weather comes along and upsets my sinuses. I usually take advil, excedrin or tylenol and rest.
I've suffered from migraines since middle school. I was on prescriptions for them, but rx migraine meds cause even more painful "rebound migraines" so I stopped. I've been using Excedrin Migraine ever since. They kick in pretty quickly for me compared to the other OTC meds.
angella13 at gmail dot com
I have seriously suffered from migraines all of my life. It baffles me that some people go through their life without ever having one - especially when I have them so often. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to PREVENT them thus far, but I am able to treat them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I actually take Excedrin Migraine first off. That has been helping a lot lately. Sometimes, though, I have to take a phenergan and go to sleep in a quiet, dark room.
My daughter and I get migraines one a month...around "that time of the month". I don't think there is anything we can do to prevent them. I've heard that drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated could help.
I have been getting migraines rather frequently since having my youngest son, I try to ensure I get adequate sleep to help combat them!
I have terrible migraines around my period :( and there isn't much I can do to prevent them but to take lots of fluids, medicine and ride it out. Awful!
i have had an on off and on headache for 6 months now, that is mostly in my forehead. have been to 3 docs, and they think it is migraines. i think that the next step is botox. hope it helps! and hope your headaches stay at bay!!!
I've suffered from migranes for over 10 years. I thought it was something I would have to learn to live with - until I discovered muscle relaxers. They haven't cured the migranes but they definitely help.
I don't have migraines that often, but sometimes when It's that time of the month. Also, sleep is way I prevent them.
I get migraines usually every other month or so. Luckily they went down in number after menopause!Dark room and sleep is the only way they go away.
Sorry had to delete first post forgot to say my 'cure'
I have occasional migraines...usually when a "perfect storm" of sleeplessness, hormones and not enough caffeine find me all at the same time. I drink tons of water, take ibuprofin/excedrin and press my thumbs into my eye sockets!
I've been a lifelong migraine sufferer. When I was younger I took meds to control them and they eased up as I got older & entered menopause BUT I now get "painless" migraines that hit me with slurred vision without any pre-pain to tell me one is on it's way!
I'm entering this for my husband who gets migraines during those extra stressful times at work. They seem to come in clusters and then he won't have them again for a while.
I would love to win this..I do get migraines and they are so bad that they bring tears to my eyes. This would be perfect. Thanks for the chance to win.
This would be for my dh who does suffer from migraines. We aren't sure what sets them off but he will get them occasionally and it is actually Excedrin Migraine that he uses for some relief from the pain. Nothing else works.
tvpg at aol dot com
I don't get migraines, my hubby does. he take a hot bath
I've only had two migraines in my entire life, and I hope it stays that way. What I do to get rid of them is take some aspirin (or other painkiller-type medicine)...and put an ice cold washcloth over my head. And try to get some sleep.
I like to take a warm towel and wrap it around my neck. I use a painkiller if this doesn't help.
mendyd15 at yahoo dot com
My husband gets bad headaches and he goes into a dark room to lay down and close his eyes.
When i do feel a headache coming on i drink lots of cold water
I tend to get sinus headaches. I usually try to lay down and keep it quiet.
I am not the migraine sufferer in our family, sadly it is my 12 year old. I have 6 kids and she's the youngest, and none of the other kids have had issues like this. (but she gets it from Dad). I was terrified when she started getting headaches as a 5 and 6 year old, vomiting and shaking in pain. I really thought she had a brain tumor. We have looked for triggers and she really does have to watch her dairy, especially cheese (no fun since we are "cheeseheads" and love all kinds). Hot dogs and deli meats will do it too. Even ice cream:(. She broke her foot last year and she compared the pain...that a migraine is much more painful and 10 times more scary. As she grows into the tweens now, I know that hormones also plays a part. She also gets triggered by bright lights such as those in a gymnasium. I never knew what all the fuss was about headaches like these, as I rarely even get a small one. Thank goodness my daughter is older now and can take some of the more "adult" pain relief like Excedrin. I had no idea how diblilitating migraines were and how helpless you feel in trying to help someone...especially a child.
Thanks for hosting such a great promotion.
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
I occasionally get migraines and take imitrex for them.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
I've had migraines for about the past 10 years, often related to hormone fluctuations. Getting enough sleep helps, but with being a psychiatric nurse working shifts and a mom, that's hard to accomplish! Darkness helps, and I find steaming makes a difference. to_jill at hotmail.com
I am so fortunate not to suffer from migraines! I do get headaches but mine are nothing compared to what some people suffer.
I've had migraines since my teens. I try not to get overtired as that seems to invite them to hit!
I've suffered from migraines since I was a little kid. I try to make sure that I eat every few hours or else it triggers a migraine.
spaller213 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am fortunate to not summer any debilitating migranes, however, I do feel sick/get a headache if I don't hydrate well and eat a balanced diet -- I guess it keeps me healthy by default?
i have suffered from migranes for years...3 years ago i had such a bad migrane and i also suffered a brain anuerism...i was in a coma for 3 weeks...i was very lucky and only had some short term memory loss...that very same day my only grandchild was born....i wasn't leaving this earth with out meeting him...i waited too long for him....he is my heart! for those who suffer with migranes i feel your pain...no one has a clue unless they have had one! i get migranes 3-4 times a week......
I usually start out by seeing an aura in left or right eye. Makes where I can only see half of a page, etc. Then about 20 to 30 minutes after that, I begin having pain on the side of my head that I experienced the aura on. Pain lasts for about six to eight hours with taking meds. I feel nauseated during this time, too. Taking medicine right when the aura starts happening sometimes helps to ward off the migraine. Using hot towels when the Migraine is really bad helps me to cope with the pain.
Fortunately I don't suffer from migraines but my hubby does. He just lays down or if it gets too bad puts an ice cold towel around his neck to relieve the tension.
I get migranes frequently, like ugh hem monthly! a dark room adn quiet usually help
I don't get them often, but when I do I take a warm towel and place it around my neck and use gel pack on my eyes and grab a Advil.
Sleep. Only thing to keep mine away.
I get migraines a couple of times a year. Stress and some foods are my triggers. I usually take Exedrin...or if really bad Imitrex and lay down in a dark room.
I do about every other month. When I feel one coming on I take something then I lay down and try to sleep it off.
I do....I drink lots of water and wear sunglasses
If I feel a headache coming on I start drinking a lot of water!....I find that sometimes I'm just dehydrated and it does help....
I suffer from migraines and I take medicine to relieve the pain and also lay in my room with earplugs and the shades drawn when its really bad.
Rafflecopter name: Amanda Sakovitz
I tend to suffer most when I don't get enough sleep and it feels like it's closest to my temples. The best way to prevent them is to get at least 8 hours of continuous sleep but if that's not possible I will take some type of medication to help relieve the pain.
hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com
Some foods set it off and I Quiet the kids and cut the lights
Too much stress gives me awful headaches thanks
When I get a really bad headache, I turn off the lights and take a nap.
Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com
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